Monday, August 27, 2007

Stan and I are off to Wakayama prefecture tomorrow! We are staying at Urashima Hotel for 4 days. I can't wait! We have been so overly busy lately, that both of us are wild about the idea of laying in bed, swimming, soaking in cave onsens, watching downloaded TV shows, and playing video games. In other words, we can't wait to do a whole lot of nothing!
We love hanging out with our friends, but lately there have been so many goodbye and welcome parties, along with the Mie orientation, where we both worked. It's just been too much! Living in a very rural prefecture like Mie, where all the JETs are stretched out over a big distance, and a zero tolerance drinking and driving law means that going to a party often involves a lot of logistical planning, expensive cab rides and/or sleeping on people's floors. Sometimes going to a party turns into a big hassle!

Anyways, enough of that! We're off tomorrow, and I can't wait.

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