Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I am writing this post mainly to stay awake.

I tried to take a mini-nap in a small, unused room beneath a staircase at the school, but the sound of student and teacher voices made me nervous that I would be discovered.
What would that be like? Both I, the discovered, and the discoverer would be surprised and perhaps sheepish. I don't know how I would explain sleeping in an abandoned room while I was at work. I thought about explaining that my head hurt, so I wanted to rest in a quiet place. I could explain that in Japanese, but I think that the whole experience would still be painfully embarassing!
I could try the truth, and explain that the medicine I took for my headache, the food I ate for lunch, and a lack of work all conspired to make me ridiculously sleepy. But that would be harder to explain and no less embarassing.

In other news, I saw my student's bare ass today.
I was really happy, because my seventh graders had worked hard at the activity I gave them. Then as Mr. Ieki and I were leaving the room, one of them pulled down another's pants, boxer shorts and all.
Oh, my.


Stan said...

Such a bad influence....students mooning teachers. what has this world come to?

lauren carroll said...

i love this entry. it takes guts to seriously consider falling asleep in an unused room under the stairs! are you HARRY POTTER!? i can just imagine someone coming across you and being like, er...ah...(sucking air through teeth uncomfortably)..."sensei!" hahahaha. if i could only find me a room under the stairs...