Thursday, February 15, 2007

Recently I read an explanation of why people in Japanese offices (and schools) are always rushing around frantically, often jogging, even if they're not really busy. If you work here in Japan, you know what I'm talking about, right?
The explanation for it was that it's important to appear busy and give a sense of urgency. It's especially funny, because we're all wearing slippers and you can't really run in slippers. So, the rushing is actually done by rapidly shuffling along the floor. If you lift your feet too high, your slippers are apt to fall off, or you are apt to fall down!
All this rushing around makes me think that I must appear to be the most sloth-like employee in all of my schools. I cannot help but wonder if I am referred to as turtle sensei behind my back.
You see, I'm not very busy, and I don't feel the need to look urgent. Actually, I am usually just sitting at my desk, reading a book and drinking tea. These are not high-energy, high-intensity activities. The quickest action involved is me lifting the tea cup quickly, if it's an especially tasty cup of tea.

1 comment:

Janine said...

Hmm, that sounds very familiar. Except today I have internet access in addition to my coffee and trashy novel!